Saturday, April 28, 2012

By one loser

Look at yourself in the mirror. The person looking back at you, is it the person you imagined or is it someone you despise? Is it someone who you look at as a burden to life? Do you wish you could change yourself to be someone else? Do you wish life wasn't so unfair? Do you wonder why you can't be like the popular kids at school? Why can't you fit in? If that is you, you need to reevaluate your values. You're an amazing person no matter what the circumstance is. The only way the world will see you for the person you're destined to be is when you realize that you can't have everything your way. Realize that you may have other qualities that may not be seen through the human eye, but felt. Realize that you need to love who you are before great things can shine through. If you say you can't do such a task, then you're the only one to blame for your misery; no one else. If you can't help yourself, how can anyone else? Give yourself a chance, and you'll be amazed at the accomplishments that you will be able to achieve. aking the world by surprise. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Education is a big part of my life. Although, I thought I knew what I wanted to be after high school, but boy was I wrong. I wouldn't say my 4 years learning about Business and Accounting is a waste, but it definitely shows that you shouldn't jump into something when you are not clear of what you want. Now I'm enrolling myself into Pharmacy Technician. It's a step down from what an Accountant is, but it's not a bad career. To me, starting off small is better than getting over your head and not being able to handle the pressure. And if anything, I could always upgrade later on into Pharmacy and become a Pharmacist. Right now, I'm just thinking of finishing school and starting a career. Tired of all the late nights staying up either studying, or doing ridiculous amounts of assignments and projects. So that's my plan for the next upcoming school year. Wish me luck (: Keep going.. is it an issue? THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Kony2012 is everything people are talking about. Opinion? Well I can say many words towards the bastard, but what will that do? But the fact that these kids, people have been going through this life style that was brought upon them has been going on for 26 years now. My god. Many people are joining in the spreading of the issue, but how long will it last? Words could only do so much. And knowing people, it will get pushed aside. But of course I support the cause, don't get me wrong. This man needs to be caught. But I'm just being realistic. It took people to realize this is happening, and to actually do something after 26 years of young kids and families being tortured. But I mean, I haven't heard of this Joesph Kony either so I can't say much about it. But I'm pretty sure the government knows more than they actually tell us. But in other words, keep the cause alive and bring this bastard down! The real differences around the world today are not between Jews and Arabs; Protestants and Catholics; Muslims, Croats, and Serbs. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists. ~William J. Clinton, 1997 Keep going.. start from here. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Figure out what you want. Do what it takes to achieve it. Try, don't ever hesitate to take a risk. And if all fails, smile and start over. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill Keep going.. it gets better from here. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 I know I'm not the prettiest/cutest/sexiest/etc., but I've given myself a lot of credit for what and who I am. The person I am is what gets peoples attention. Just because I don't wear the fanciest of brands, or the fact that I don't wear makeup doesn't make me less of a girl. To those who have thought that because of those factors that I will never find peace and confidence, boy are they wrong. Because of them, I can walk down the street with my head held high. Because of them, I learn to love myself and have compassion towards my flaws. So I thank those of you who brought me down all these years. You'll come to realize the person who was ugly all this time were you people. Good luck to you all. You've made it! Sorry if I'm not the most talented writer. (: To love only the beauty of the eye is to not experience the beauty of the heart.

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