Saturday, April 28, 2012


Everytime you stretch your hand out for somehting you care about Fate comes along and snatches it away

Beautiful, Fragil, and haunting She can't escape the feeling that forces beyond her control are compelling her down a road from which she can not drawback. It's as if her whole life has been a prelide to this moment.. This fateful meeting that changes everything And sure enough, against her better judgement; she falls in love, but she doesn't trust it, shes not even sure if she believes in love.
If she loves someone, its doomes. Good things never lasts.

I have a cloak of dremas Woven from the joys of youth Affection is its decoration And adoration is its embellishment With my infinite thoughts,
I embroidered and set it carefully Then one day i met her I offered her my cloak of dreams She draped it over her shoulders And in that instant
THe sun, moo and stars shifted and darkened I asked you, aske you To treasure this cloak carefully

Nobody realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal It's weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of gobal economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot The world forgetting, by the world forgot Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resigned

Urban Hymms

I switched roles with a predominant deity There are always stories being told to kids, mostly to get them to go to sleep or just to sit still Our greatest stories are great, they are mythic adventures with legendary characters Most being based on facts Have you wondered what our story will be when we're decades in being dead Will you and I have mattered, Or are we just another failed love story to be rewritten, intervened then suddenly combining into one

Memory please remember me Your creator and as your client Done forgo me my memory Just leave them be I have my lease learned in full Tattered patches mix matched Superficial but not always as useful If you put limits on what you can do, it'll spread over into the rest of life.. There are no limits. A man must constantly exceed his level

Bloom beneath the fields

The yielding rose retracts its thorns to owe of merit and worth. It's hur reflects the sky apprehensively, with such torrent directions there is no distinct mistake to be easily found. The ever changing and ever adapting forms of lives struggling now to survivie. Changes yield life, yet too many uprubt and sudden changes can dramatically wand the essentials. Thought is formless and unhessitant, always conjuring thought and ideas from their electrical conductors.

Indegenous merely quotes the uncertainty
NUmbers count false variables for infinity
flowers breed each spring with colors around
their roots attached but not forever bound
where we sat, the wooden benches now decayed
where we stood, the bridge stayed unmoved
surely we question those moments
and in thought, that's where we'll always be together forever
So to live life happy and resound, in a lucid dream i wish to keep But destiny has need for us another place

when we do meet again, let gravity lighten
and like magnets, let you find me
I think I'm crazy about you, but you not so much me in return
ANd of all i've seen, love does exist on the silver screen
It moved our tears, you should know best because the gal i love is not you but the girl in your mirror

Entangled in laces and twine, you wished to live; enchantments in time and that you'd willingly give
You watched as the scar become bigger
but you'd figure fixing it would become a breeze
In the end we'll make a home, with our names in stone
I left a flag up in your heart, but you let the winds gone tear it apart

Life can be like a flute that doesn't sing
like a snowflake that winter doesn't bring
Step outside the door and unlock it from the inside
it would be better if you understand, but you'd have to try
you need not think this repeats like history
I'll be the mountains, to protect you from enemies
They all want to try and control you

Kiss me til your drunk sang the show tunes
This has all left my memory ached in Van gogh,
my ear windows are wide open and this winds cold
you asked me if it is and i tell you that its been so
we took our feelings and mush it like play dough
if it ain't been so so, then it might be hugs and kisses
We labeled them at the top and left the stamp.
Our vibes are so loud we rock and amps.

Paint a perfect picture they say and it could be worth a thousand words but snap a picture and all i feel are worth a thousand hurts.
Pin needles broken my nose with piercing pain derailing said feelings to live and let learn but i can't read these books after they've been burnt
What sort of fate is it that we've met again.
To hear your laughter again makes me happy. You look at me again and you give me fullfillment will that be enough to keep moving on with my life. Maybe i'll write down our story and put it away. Then one day we can find an appropriate ending to the story.
NO one listens to what they really want.
These tears that are falling down my cheeks, are the best memories i have of you.I've lied to everyone around me, and i've never lied to you, won't you do the same.
you haven't lost yet man. Not by a long shot.
She's my best friend, and i love her. Life will be better with you by my side, i can't hold your hand and make you walk with me, i can how ever offer my hand and wait for you to take it.

I say forget what everyone says, the best feeling is the feeling of being in love. Nothing turns out how you want it to, why not do something to better you odds.
You might not know me know, but let me get a chance to explain; im not the the best looking guy out there, im not the the wealthiest guy,
life may be fair, it may be worth it it may not be life's little game is all to easy, why have we made it so hard-surfacing problems and drowning ourselves in artificial ingredient stake things for granted and feel bad for doing so in the first place...

By one loser

Look at yourself in the mirror. The person looking back at you, is it the person you imagined or is it someone you despise? Is it someone who you look at as a burden to life? Do you wish you could change yourself to be someone else? Do you wish life wasn't so unfair? Do you wonder why you can't be like the popular kids at school? Why can't you fit in? If that is you, you need to reevaluate your values. You're an amazing person no matter what the circumstance is. The only way the world will see you for the person you're destined to be is when you realize that you can't have everything your way. Realize that you may have other qualities that may not be seen through the human eye, but felt. Realize that you need to love who you are before great things can shine through. If you say you can't do such a task, then you're the only one to blame for your misery; no one else. If you can't help yourself, how can anyone else? Give yourself a chance, and you'll be amazed at the accomplishments that you will be able to achieve. aking the world by surprise. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Education is a big part of my life. Although, I thought I knew what I wanted to be after high school, but boy was I wrong. I wouldn't say my 4 years learning about Business and Accounting is a waste, but it definitely shows that you shouldn't jump into something when you are not clear of what you want. Now I'm enrolling myself into Pharmacy Technician. It's a step down from what an Accountant is, but it's not a bad career. To me, starting off small is better than getting over your head and not being able to handle the pressure. And if anything, I could always upgrade later on into Pharmacy and become a Pharmacist. Right now, I'm just thinking of finishing school and starting a career. Tired of all the late nights staying up either studying, or doing ridiculous amounts of assignments and projects. So that's my plan for the next upcoming school year. Wish me luck (: Keep going.. is it an issue? THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Kony2012 is everything people are talking about. Opinion? Well I can say many words towards the bastard, but what will that do? But the fact that these kids, people have been going through this life style that was brought upon them has been going on for 26 years now. My god. Many people are joining in the spreading of the issue, but how long will it last? Words could only do so much. And knowing people, it will get pushed aside. But of course I support the cause, don't get me wrong. This man needs to be caught. But I'm just being realistic. It took people to realize this is happening, and to actually do something after 26 years of young kids and families being tortured. But I mean, I haven't heard of this Joesph Kony either so I can't say much about it. But I'm pretty sure the government knows more than they actually tell us. But in other words, keep the cause alive and bring this bastard down! The real differences around the world today are not between Jews and Arabs; Protestants and Catholics; Muslims, Croats, and Serbs. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists. ~William J. Clinton, 1997 Keep going.. start from here. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 Figure out what you want. Do what it takes to achieve it. Try, don't ever hesitate to take a risk. And if all fails, smile and start over. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill Keep going.. it gets better from here. THOUGHTS BROUGHT TO YOU ON MARCH 8, 2012 I know I'm not the prettiest/cutest/sexiest/etc., but I've given myself a lot of credit for what and who I am. The person I am is what gets peoples attention. Just because I don't wear the fanciest of brands, or the fact that I don't wear makeup doesn't make me less of a girl. To those who have thought that because of those factors that I will never find peace and confidence, boy are they wrong. Because of them, I can walk down the street with my head held high. Because of them, I learn to love myself and have compassion towards my flaws. So I thank those of you who brought me down all these years. You'll come to realize the person who was ugly all this time were you people. Good luck to you all. You've made it! Sorry if I'm not the most talented writer. (: To love only the beauty of the eye is to not experience the beauty of the heart.


This morning amongst midday dreary, i slumped and slumbered
For the morn twas bright beneath the slight and encumbered
Pain was aching in my knees and a headache i dare drew when i dreamt
a monster i did slew And slay the fowl beast before my bedridden feet, a gash upon his brow marked his forbidden teeth and a forth right was the birth that was never meant for me, a slight dew of honey wheat brought before dawn for them to see;

In a tomb they saw for the risen had just befallen and death loomed near and his voice ranged ever clear it rang loud and spelled trouble for this ordain fellow when he fell before his feet met the ground and so when he could no longer hope to succeed was the expectation briefed before the deceased my fair maiden hair tangled black as night, be are thou no my shining light to guide this guild on its merry journey before the darkness crumbles before the sun's wake i stake my claim on my chains unbind, but i hurry to recline the twirling of my own time for when my sand runs out, my second chamber will be empty, and a dear death me will cease to be;

We seek adventure, like we seek redemption I can't see well when i know the light is blinding i can't be well when the midday sun rises before I and i try to walk with a slight step, one ahead of the other things are never the same but everything can try to be a new beginning just when you begin to hope and think of something as equally tremendous, something comes and takes it away i'm not too sure now what to do, but maybe somewhere along the way it can become better than it was yesterday


Usually when a guy falls in love, it just happens to him for no reason. He loves the girl whether she’s an angel or just a bitch, he loves the girl and would trade his like to keep hers. I fell in love with you, plain and simple. That’s why no matter what you threw at me, I kept on going, and I kept taking all this reverse emotional crap you responded with. I just brushed it off like nothing. Hoping one day you’ll think; wow, that guy was really nice to me; and just because he wanted to be nice to me because he really loves me for me. I listened to you talk about other guys, which kinda pisses me off. I listened to all your problems and try to help out. I listened to you about everything you want to say and have to say. No matter how busy I am, I take your message and respond to you whether I’m free or not. I never did say that I am better than any other guy or try to be better than them. I just try to be and you keep getting the wrong impression that I want to be better than one or another. I try to listen and you think I am using the information for my own good; like trying to get into a relationship with you. I try to give you advice but you won’t listen to anything you say. I give you my time, but you just don’t care. I’m not doing anything as much because I’m giving all my attention to you. And you don’t like it when I don’t pay attention to life, yet you don’t pay attention to how my own attention is toward you and only you. You usually text me random shit that’s so hard to reply to, and when my response is not what you want, you get mad and leave the conversation. And I’m like; why are you even mad? Which only makes you angrier; you drive me completely insane and half crazy, but I love you. I fucking hate it when you compare me to another guy, really chick WTF! Now I want to know, do you want to be a part of my life; as a friend, a girlfriend, my best friend etc. You have to give me a reason why I should keep being in this messy relationship, because obviously we have a relationship, and I just won’t be this person for you to talk to when you have something to say. When the time comes to telling anyone the truth it is always so difficult to accept the changes and ineligibility that comes along with that truth. No person wants to face the whole truth because the truth is not heartwarming, and the truth is not kind to individuals. When we want the other party to hear what we have to say, and feel what we want them to feel. Tonight when the lights shut off and the kindness flinches and dozes on infinite dreams, we try to sew the seams and cotton pop together when none decides a lyrical rhyme. When I think its time to decide to take which route I will travel on, will I know what road the lesser of the two divulges on into nothing. Valentine, dear valentine; when I wished for a simple hello you made it an exotic no, I simply wish to talk but things always lead to arguments. To become what you see, is an a test of faith I don’t have in me. But being everything you need I have in me. I wish you happy holidays hoping to uplift your spirit. I say good morning and good night to show that I care, but you say it reminds you of someone else. Why I ask myself, is it that everything I do reminds you of someone else that’s not me? Is it mad degree poetry, or an asylum de pedigree. Now if I wrote you a love note and made you sound out every word I wrote, lady would you. There are beautiful girls, all over the world, I could be chasing, but they’ve got nothing on you. They’ve got nothing on you. They are nicer, they don’t yell as much yet, because they don’t know me like you do. They haven’t gotten angry at me yet, they haven’t had me said the wrong thing as a response; but that also means that they’ve never had someone speak so honestly to them as I have to you. I wish to keep every negative word from you, but you are really pushing my limits. I always let you push my buttons, you know every switch and lever, yet you don’t care whichever way they go. I can go on playing this game, but I can’t do this without you. I am an addictive on love. I am obsessed with it, and you have become the image of my obsession. I never want to treat you like you are an object, I don’t even want to think like that because, you are the person I wish to see walk with me down the long stretch of road that is continuously paved for me. I want you to be that person that cares for me when I’m sick, to feed me when I’m unwell and to be with me when I am lonesome. You know all my habits, and annoying characteristics, you’ve held on for so long. When so many would have given up and called me crazy, you held on. For better or for worst you held on, maybe not for the reasons I give, but for your own. I don’t know if you are selfish for keeping me or just lonesome. I am tethered and wounded in this love/hate relationship with you. Do you know what it took to keep holding on as long as I have? Persecution, speculation and distrust, those were the only things I received from you. No thank you for your company, no thanks for listening, no thanks for being there for me. You pushed and shoved your way in. I tried to be a nice guy. I didn’t push back, I didn’t yell. I didn’t want to push you away because you were already so far away. So close yet so far. What a nice surprise to see you in your teal dress of greenish blue, more radiant than a rainbow with an infinite hue. I want so many things, but can only get so much. You asked me, did I ever wanted you in that kind of way. I told you no. you are more than just a feeling, more than just a desire, more than just a passion, or a romantic flame, more than just someone to talk to, more than just someone I can share things with. I freaking loved you, and still do. I keep telling you I’m in love with you and how I will always be, but each time I hear myself saying those things, it seems less convincing that the former. I don’t know how I feel about you anymore. You’ve become such an essential part of my life that practically my life has to include you. My friends and girlfriends, all wonderful people with wonderfully human flaws; but you dear, outshine them by the millennium. 2012 is suppose to be the start of a new year, it is suppose to be a time when I made and declared resolutions to myself and kept myself in check throughout the year hoping to complete those individual goals. But I bear to let myself list you as a resolution. You are you much more than just a person and nothing can ever come in between that that will change the circumstances we are in. I hop nothing will come in between us any further. We dreamt and whispered secrets around everyone. But I try not to hide anything from you; it is only natural that some information are better left unknown and some stones left unturned, but if you’re willing to ask the right questions, I am certainly more than to give you an honest answer to each and every one of them. Why do you keep me at arms length? Keep me close enough but not far enough to be gone. When you have a bad day you text me, when you want to talk to someone you text me; when life isn’t going according to plans you message me; when people annoy you, you text me; when your family makes you cry you text me, when you cry you text me, when you feel sad you think of me, when you feel happy you share that joy with me, when you have a bad dream you share it with me. When something makes you laugh, I smile a little, and when you send a message with some smiley faces, I smile more and laugh some because I know you send them with a regard and a smile. I wonder how you really think of me. I’ve told you my triumphs, and I’ve told you my disappointments. More than once I’ve shared what I dislike about many things. I bitch a lot of a lot. I wonder how anyone can put with such a pessimistic person like me. I applaud you and lavish you in laughter and smiles galore. Wish me not the same? We recently talked about something that really made things better. You asked what I would do if I saw you again. I hesitated as always. But your answer I will cherish for the rest of my days. You said if you ever saw me, you’d give me a hug. Will all do respect, just marry me already. I will be departing for the Air Force in a few months, and you’ve tried to use that against me. I would like to see you, heck I’m in love dammit. But you know what valentine. I feel so great right now. I neither care for my ex’s nor wish anything but happiness and well being to them and their new loved ones. They have not been so honest with me, and it saddens me that they needed to lie at all to keep from hurting my feelings. Take thy pity elsewhere, where death looms on the condemned. I hate it when girls act with pity toward me, I mean just be honest, I’m a smart guy and I will understand. I want to explore forests with you. I want to see you smile, and laugh without any care in the world. I want to go sailing with you. I wish to go scuba diving with you. To swim with dolphins. To swim with whales, God, why am I so in love with you? I get really frustrated talking with you. In every conversation, I just want to tell you to shut up, and stop making things so freaking difficult. Why do you make things so difficult? Always with the drama, its not healthy. I don’t have any kind of right to say anything to you, let alone lecture you on my assumptions of your character. You’ll tell me how wrong I am, and how I shouldn’t assume things about people, but what if I’m right, what if what I am saying is exactly what’s going on. I’m trying to help you but you’re not letting me help you. Here on I will tell you exactly who I am, so that from here on out you will not mistaken me for anyone nor confuse my personality and character. My Name is chong yang. I was born in a refugee camp in the mountainous terrains of northern Thailand. I am the seventh kid, and the fourth son. Personally I think words are a waste, because indeed sometimes action do speak louder than words, but what I have come to embrace is the fact that sometimes all you need to do is say something. When I don’t say anything, it’s not that I don’t have anything to say, it’s just that I don’t care. I’m thinking into the nothingness, I am just looking into the wilderness and that unknown abyss, and within my sight, the image opens up and there it is right in front of me, a crystal clear picture word millions of words. And then suddenly I saw you, I saw the picture that I was going to one day complete. One day on canvas, hanging on our walls will be a pictorial of you. Pictures are the only thing that keeps that memory alive; every time I see that image, my imagination kick starts and around it goes, it gets to work and my hands start to move on their own. Imagine my mind told me, just think about all the possibility. I should have heard the calling, but instead I bore illness and a heartbroken dream. A child with sorrow, and a broken spirit is not one that can be easily restored. Friends slowly bring the pieces back together but they can never quite hold the pieces together, just momentary. My family should have seen the signs and tried something, but instead everyone was so busy with their lives, that the four of us just soon started to separate from the family. Just us four, great times we had, and horrible memories altogether. I walked across, this empty land; I knew the pathway like the back of my hand; I felt the earth beneath my feet, I felt the solemn and it made me complete; oh simple thing, where have you gone, I’m getting older and I need something to lean on, oh simple thing, where have you gone, I’m getting tired and I need someone to lean on. Sanity had a name, and it befriended me Morality had a calling, and it beseech-ed me Abnormality had figures, and numbers deceived me Memory I forsake thee when you chose a sublime interval When you decide which number it began, symphonic externals I decided before I chose and I felt the choice before I saw It began as a dark night that turned into a bright shining dawn When the midnight after thought trailed behind foresight, I saw mnemonic Where ever you go, I pray to be with you Whenever you need someone to lay your heart in vagabonds I will be a thought The gift is a sign that spelled a forthcoming This morning as every before, I opened my eyes and took a breath and a gasp at the air as it escapes and flees. I relaxed my head back and stare blankly at the sea foam ceiling, with its twinkling stars and neon evergreen signs. My olive green walls surround me, as a forest encloses a tree, but this particular individual specimen holds in its bark more moral valued truth than the largely enclosed philosophical notebooks. I moved my fingers and I relaxed my joints when a sudden sharp pain overwhelms me at my bosom and takes me prisoner. Trapped and unmoved, thus daringly trying to draw and escape before the encampment takes to the chambers.

Laško Springs

Dearest me be the one who worries when I have enlightenment just inches from grasp. When I Look out into the world, the only thing I wish is for someone else to look back at me and tell me it’ll be alright. I wished for comfort, I desire closure. I am human. I am man. I look into the world, or more accurately my computer screen and I see the news that are present everyday, arriving from different news sources, and with each new article I am able to read, I start to lose my hope for humanity. I read about children that are faced with hunger, death, and the ideals of hopelessness everyday. With each word I read, my heart gains weight, and it slowly fattens up, about to fall from its own weight and cease to be. I set my sights far beyond the reaches of the telescope, and my hopes flies higher than the birds. You already know how this will end, yet you garnish my sensations at a moment's touch. You, so near yet so far an unfair representation, my mistaken imagination running wilder than wild things that infringe upon those most unholy. You are as warm as a sunny day’s breeze, as gentle as the fig trees swaying in the wind and so much more. I told you one day, the sun will not bring it’s light out, and the moon will not let its light shine, when in a moments notice time bends upon heavy hearts and people decides their decision are not as profound as their own thoughts. I walked among men, and in his presence I found contempt, in his presence I found peace, death, life, but most importantly, in his presence I found you. Women of my heart, lady of mine; the winds that changed my inner peace, one who brought the life back to this deceases heart, now comforting and heartwarming. We knew how this would end, but we loved it nonetheless, because while it did not last, it was the best. There standing beside rocks and stones, we expected to be living in painted colors. Tis ve sa ve that brings said tears beneath even Buddha’s bod-hi tree. We stared into space, and in all the right places, we smiled and shined brighter than the light an eclipse tries to hide. I remember summer days when we had our wayward says and conversation, you laughed at my meager jokes and I eagerly joked for you. For without days going by have I ever forgotten not so the whole of our conversation, but the lot of them. Find my soul within the darkened pits and find my faith lost with the wanderings. From grass lain with green coloring in pleasant shiny shades, I watched a movie through all the phone with you lain next to me. Such pleasantries, I shall never forget those sad memories of me and those thoughts of you. Be my fairy merrily maiden that you are, and never bedridden me when we need us most. For the last of us, we shall find locked in intertwining dreams woven from the reality that we called us. This love hate thing that we have, this two sided relationship that never was, already is.You look into your parent’s eyes and you see loveless individuals living in animosity amongst one another, and in their lives you began to worry about your own. You contemplated what love stories you’d have, whether or not someone will come along your long road to whisk you off your feet. You imagined their likeness, their smile, the dim lights flickering from the corners of their eyes. You imagined the comfort, your head resting upon their chest, so that you’d feel their warm breath breathing upon your scalp when they come in to kiss your head. With your shoulders squeezed gently between their chest and their arms wrapping around you, showing you how much they want to keep you safe, and to themselves. For you are a rare flower amongst the ever present wildlife that nature has given man. Middle-mist Red are you my sweetest. I dare not to bear witness to the Horatius nature of the world for that is too horrible. I dare not go against life. But dearest my dearest, you there standing so pleasantly amongst the wild shrubs, dancing beneath the light sworn trees, twirling amidst the vegetation. We made plans to meet one day, and sooner than our minds can imagined the day came in full bloom. I left early, leaving everything else behind, with only the thought of you in mind. I traveled alongside the highway, and heard the moving beast roar passed me, racing into their own never endings. I moved swiftly through the wind, weaving through shredding wind-scars and deciphering draft winds, I rode along cashew parks and ambient green-ways. I diverted routes and arrived unfathomed and unfazed. When I entered our meeting place, I noticed that I had arrived prior to our scheduled meeting, to eager was I, knowing I would be face to face with my future fiance. I say this with an extreme will and earnest attitude, for I know this gal was meant for me, and damn-est to the darkest pits of a sunset shall i send ill willed doubt if it dares come between and my awaiting lady. Frailly promised I know my words have not been said with the most refreshing of thoughts, and sometimes I may not be the kindest of people. My heartaches have only thus began, and yet I never imagine it would have been stuck on you for so long a period, a period my young mind grasp at as a long time. Are you all done with finding yourself in a moments instant, when will you find that perfection that is missing from your life. I wonder why you can’t be satisfied by the small things. The social norm is as screwed up as those who keep living on it, I know its wrong and horrible and its the reason why no one can truly rise from it unscathed, but does that really matter, does any of those childish things matter. The only thing we should be talking about is how to make us work, how to make sure every day we awake, it’s next to each other. How ever morning, I think of you, and think of holding you close to me, just so I feel the guilty satisfaction of knowing that I have you for eons to come. For time is a childish thing when compared to love, time eradicates everything away from a person, their youth, their mentality, their livelihood, but something it can’t take away is love, and a true love at that, for when the sands of time tries to fall from end to end, love will tip the sands of time on its side, and there we shall sit, comfortably with one another. For I promise my love to you, and along with that love, my hopes and dreams, aspirations and inspirations. ONce you want it to begin, you can never really see the end. You begin to switch its name, sudden changing like you mistook its name. NOthing seem the same, yet everything always pulled in together as if they were somehow connected. THe string theories of our lives, as if every song we listened to and ever sight we saw was mean for us to see and for us to hear, something in our minds and our souls makes it seem like someone out there is reaching out to us, as if they’ve been paying attention to our troubles, and our deeds and at our lowest they were supposed to come and cling to our shoulders as to keep us on our own two feet. When the world comes tumbling down, when the ground that we walk on everyday gives way beneath our soles, will we disappear into it like quicksand vanquishes life. Subsidize my dreams and put my hopes on layaway, for when happiness seems out of the question and every-time it tries to surface there suddenly appears a moral dilemma. Sometimes we feel shaken, as if we’ve mistaken our clothing in the clothing store and have been walking around something not akin to our own skin. We start to feel these tingles crawling over our skin, and so very soon we start to feel like we’re living in a home that is not the same as our own, everything is out of place, hardwired and over the counter stairs, pictures on the walls that has people without faces. Thing of furniture in location that makes them seem normal in mistake places, a bed crammed in the restroom, the sink built on its sides. We burn and boil with our passion subdued in our stomachs, we feel the quaking butterflies trying to spread their wings, tickling our innards and feed on our nectar. Oh, can’t you see the stars twilight sparkle against the heaven backdrop, when the sun rises beneath, it creates a shroud of massive proportion that mimics the size of the universe. Streets stirring with black tars, moving molten dispatches of darkness that envelopes all that stands in its way. Volcanic ashes spring from volcanic craters that breaches the earth's surface, and suffice to say a welcome is not needed for this uninvited guest. The grasses, they are burning, and the trees, how they suffer in this weather, weather with temperature rising so fast and so soon that at any moments it will tear the bark off trees quicker than a visage of oil paintings dripping. Soon the world with stop hither ed and so forth when gas of mass destruction start to pollute the airwaves, killing of the needless stretch of lives that smells of stench wrecks. Within days, the elderly, the sick and the young began to disappear with the gusting winds that blew over the land with a tremendous minimal forces, as if a hurricane wanted to see how human beings would look like if they were drunk. Life, a sitting imagination that began to mean with little resistance, with the animal kingdom now broken into and rewritten and restructured, man now lies dormant with his invention of fire. Death seem to be on the very end of an endless spree, when the first ones came out, they came in gas masks at first, afraid of breathing in the breath of ol’ Grimm. They took their firepower and their knives and weaponry, they looked for loved ones and searched for others.Strong was their bond that it laid in a lively puddle of death waiting to be picked up and dried off. IF this world ended, many loved ones with be gone. But I wish and pray that nothing happens to you, so that I may find a way to you. Nothing seemed more important, selfish to say and sufficiently significant are these sorrowful words that any slothful tale to entice you would be deemed meaningless and uncanny. Clear Fragrant and Fragile One day omitted from our present live, one decisions that wasn’t made, and one person we never met. This thing could have never been and could have been something else, some with a sweeter taste, some other thing with a more frequent smell, bring each other closer to something else other than each other. Fate steps on misfortune, and accidentally Riggs implosions of famine and depression that lives off swelled emotions. I took my steps and try to align them in contemporary portrayal. Music and bluegrass depicting images over my shoulders for my head to imagine upon, it acts as mystifying dreams to try and confuse me, for reality I deem it fake, when my dream tis more real when i’m not awake. Let the transit system of our war torn aftermath society agree on themselves to give us space and allow us room, let them give you and I time to find each other within this whole dividend, within this whole divide. Maybe it’s not a problem, for a problem is in deserving of a solution, and a solution to our issue has not yet made itself known, not even in hints and in riddles. There sits a river that bleeds life, stringing with a festival of life. How deeming it is when a nightmare sits unfulfilled, with a strong gust of wind and whirlwinds of undying changes. Now that the unchanged and never ending has no story to tell and no history to pass on. wish merrily upon galaxies and many a dormant stars, there exists no more demeaning that existence foes for mankind. time sat still for them then. When nothing cared everything stands untouched. Sunsets and sunrise, both are visions we wished to bequeath unto our eyes. So tell me your story and your unmoved self. Redefining me and soon like nothing else.