Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dr. L WOrd

In that deep darkened alleyway, those flickering lights show the way to the end of nowhere, and in our presence the creepy crawlies lie and wait instead of venturing into the light. I hear the sounds of the crickets, with their orchestra they sway the garbage stench into the rising vents.They show those small little things that hoop and holler away at the shining blue moon. The clouds are rolling in, those dark thundering hur of mismatched naval warfare. The signal fire flies to land on burning lanterns and hug. Kissed through morality and having lived singular thoughts. This small and feeble as it may be, looms large over the horizon.

The bokning of cars and honking of horns keep me awake at night. I lose eyelids each night i lay my head on my pillow. with time going as always i am at a losing streak with slumber, the rings under my eye. Somewhere in the fast lane, slow drivers follow yellow signs. Fast drivers, driving fast cars racing ahead into that far off distance. Tired tracks of burnt rubber are the only reminder for us that they were ever here. Slow and steady hands for individuals who compete in the fastest sports. They carry pride and courage. Logos and ensigns labeled them misfit corporates. Believe, that which they do is design to achieve.

A need, in the integer mix they want to speed. Creed, remember the moral code they took to. so please. Out in the open road, look below and see the yellow stripes painted on the marble ground. Hollow rounds penetrate through deep flesh and casters cases filled with flammable. Enviable time committed treason lets me be three freemason that performs mastery of many arts.I swore to be true. Life defying and undignified landing of the moon rocks and space bacteria. Take this hand and learn to let go, fireworks bloom in the skies, lets start the show.

In rush amounts, calm springs bellow out loud orchestras. Mountainous winds bring in east chasing seamstress. Words colored in ink splotches leave hidden messages on will power, linger inside it tells, of one who came before others. In there, in that oxygenated room filled with valuables and idioms, luscious and full of volume downstream, in a forest bloomed a flower of yonder loren when nymph and creatures of half species roam and lived. They told us that the folly of man’s ignorance will be the fall of its kind. Ground, ground my bones after my body burns and scatter its ashes to the wind. My carbonated cartilages will blanket minuscule places of minimal proportions.

Leave with the fall and come home during spring.Rain withers during the thunderstorm and tears are a default. Wind wild and wondrous, jolly and joyful, a fearsome folly as a foe for mankind’s misdemeanor and mild manner mistakes. Never notice nearsighted sights, since sacramental sacrifices shall sincerely suffice. Going gongs, sound of the monks that took their steps on stairs; spiraling down into the never returning valley; looking or a piece of mind. Peaceful, tranquil, nervousness and deceiving antics. its actions and not in action that never was and therefore impossible to forever shall be.

There are the ifs and ands, buts and shalls, the wonders and questions that frolic and merry in mounds of stone and grounds of dirt; grass shooting from cracks and crevices bearing uncanny resemblance to bare bears and bare rabbit. Tsk tsk goes my microphones. on hilltop tree domes i made into welcomed homes. ANd she said selling shacked shellfishes shall service several silly seasons. Sewn into their skirted fabrics; mountains, rivers and streams. They team with the wild and untamed wilde eyes of beasts and shadows. The eloquent wind rises with the seams and falls rom cloth crack linens. Those small dashes and line told stories that descended from the word of mouth of great kings and peasants.

My name written in the wind, my voice streaming down rivers, label me mistaken for i’ve no idea for reason another more. Apologies are always being said, i'm sorry for all the dowries on the brides and the lostings of lost of loved ones. Hear me and love me; my one and only. I named you once and none shall take your place. Its a quiet afternoon; now that there's no one on the other side. no vibrant voice. no adorable laughter, and no tears and gasps for air. she is gone. Finally gone. BUt its unfair for me to say it was her when really she seems so far away. is it really that simple to have met once. Can anyone hear the screams she wonders.

Can no one be here to wipe away the shedding tears and misfortune and sorrows; the despairing past and its novelty stories. Regrets build like footnotes on their stories. Pages and pages by the dozens. Screaming with a sewn mouth; gasping for air through deflated lungs and loving with a broken heart; she sings songs to his written words. How lost both are; but together things seems a little bit better. Just a bit brighter, a bit more liable in nothingness .. its just better. bearable; that's the word. in all our searching the only thing that makes our loneliness bearable is each other, says carl sagan.

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