Thursday, February 7, 2013

Daunting Dusk

I seemingly walked through darkened alleyways and rode on shady bus stops in the dead of night just wondering the town when it was most alive.
There i was, aimlessly and utterly without a care for the world, but in truth i cared for the future to show me a path not designated by the constituents of man.
I muttered under my breath wicked words, and cursed deities i didn't even believe in.
I went down the list of supposed gods and half lings, asking them one second for a better road to walk on then refuting them for an instantaneous result that couldn't and wouldn't ever appear.
Jeans to keep my legs warm and shield me from the penetrating winds of deadly stares from undignified strangers.
My medium sized trench-coat that protects me from the wild and physical dangers of a deranged mind running wild and unleashed in the streets at night, under street lamps and post lights.
I venture for an answer of truth until the sun begins to rise over the horizon, leaving or deciding to end the night's conquest as morning worked magic against bellowed clouds. I stood unfazed as the sunrise awakens in me the dead-spot that lingers half past living beings.

A shard of glass: Reflections

I seemingly walked through darkened alleyways and rode on shady bus stops in the dead of night just wondering the town when it was most alive.
There i was, aimlessly and utterly without a care for the world, but in truth i cared for the future to show me a path not designated by the constituents of man.
I muttered under my breath wicked words, and cursed deities i didn't even believe in.
I went down the list of supposed gods and half lings, asking them one second for a better road to walk on then refuting them for an instantaneous result that couldn't and wouldn't ever appear.
Jeans to keep my legs warm and shield me from the penetrating winds of deadly stares from undignified strangers. My medium sized trench-coat that protects me from the wild and physical dangers of a deranged mind running wild and unleashed in the streets at night, under street lamps and post lights.
I venture for an answer of truth until the sun begins to rise over the horizon, leaving or deciding to end the night's conquest as morning worked magic against bellowed clouds. I stood unfazed as the sunrise awakens in me the dead-spot that lingers half past living beings.

Dr. L WOrd

In that deep darkened alleyway, those flickering lights show the way to the end of nowhere, and in our presence the creepy crawlies lie and wait instead of venturing into the light. I hear the sounds of the crickets, with their orchestra they sway the garbage stench into the rising vents.They show those small little things that hoop and holler away at the shining blue moon. The clouds are rolling in, those dark thundering hur of mismatched naval warfare. The signal fire flies to land on burning lanterns and hug. Kissed through morality and having lived singular thoughts. This small and feeble as it may be, looms large over the horizon.

The bokning of cars and honking of horns keep me awake at night. I lose eyelids each night i lay my head on my pillow. with time going as always i am at a losing streak with slumber, the rings under my eye. Somewhere in the fast lane, slow drivers follow yellow signs. Fast drivers, driving fast cars racing ahead into that far off distance. Tired tracks of burnt rubber are the only reminder for us that they were ever here. Slow and steady hands for individuals who compete in the fastest sports. They carry pride and courage. Logos and ensigns labeled them misfit corporates. Believe, that which they do is design to achieve.

A need, in the integer mix they want to speed. Creed, remember the moral code they took to. so please. Out in the open road, look below and see the yellow stripes painted on the marble ground. Hollow rounds penetrate through deep flesh and casters cases filled with flammable. Enviable time committed treason lets me be three freemason that performs mastery of many arts.I swore to be true. Life defying and undignified landing of the moon rocks and space bacteria. Take this hand and learn to let go, fireworks bloom in the skies, lets start the show.

In rush amounts, calm springs bellow out loud orchestras. Mountainous winds bring in east chasing seamstress. Words colored in ink splotches leave hidden messages on will power, linger inside it tells, of one who came before others. In there, in that oxygenated room filled with valuables and idioms, luscious and full of volume downstream, in a forest bloomed a flower of yonder loren when nymph and creatures of half species roam and lived. They told us that the folly of man’s ignorance will be the fall of its kind. Ground, ground my bones after my body burns and scatter its ashes to the wind. My carbonated cartilages will blanket minuscule places of minimal proportions.

Leave with the fall and come home during spring.Rain withers during the thunderstorm and tears are a default. Wind wild and wondrous, jolly and joyful, a fearsome folly as a foe for mankind’s misdemeanor and mild manner mistakes. Never notice nearsighted sights, since sacramental sacrifices shall sincerely suffice. Going gongs, sound of the monks that took their steps on stairs; spiraling down into the never returning valley; looking or a piece of mind. Peaceful, tranquil, nervousness and deceiving antics. its actions and not in action that never was and therefore impossible to forever shall be.

There are the ifs and ands, buts and shalls, the wonders and questions that frolic and merry in mounds of stone and grounds of dirt; grass shooting from cracks and crevices bearing uncanny resemblance to bare bears and bare rabbit. Tsk tsk goes my microphones. on hilltop tree domes i made into welcomed homes. ANd she said selling shacked shellfishes shall service several silly seasons. Sewn into their skirted fabrics; mountains, rivers and streams. They team with the wild and untamed wilde eyes of beasts and shadows. The eloquent wind rises with the seams and falls rom cloth crack linens. Those small dashes and line told stories that descended from the word of mouth of great kings and peasants.

My name written in the wind, my voice streaming down rivers, label me mistaken for i’ve no idea for reason another more. Apologies are always being said, i'm sorry for all the dowries on the brides and the lostings of lost of loved ones. Hear me and love me; my one and only. I named you once and none shall take your place. Its a quiet afternoon; now that there's no one on the other side. no vibrant voice. no adorable laughter, and no tears and gasps for air. she is gone. Finally gone. BUt its unfair for me to say it was her when really she seems so far away. is it really that simple to have met once. Can anyone hear the screams she wonders.

Can no one be here to wipe away the shedding tears and misfortune and sorrows; the despairing past and its novelty stories. Regrets build like footnotes on their stories. Pages and pages by the dozens. Screaming with a sewn mouth; gasping for air through deflated lungs and loving with a broken heart; she sings songs to his written words. How lost both are; but together things seems a little bit better. Just a bit brighter, a bit more liable in nothingness .. its just better. bearable; that's the word. in all our searching the only thing that makes our loneliness bearable is each other, says carl sagan.

A River

A raging river streams against a stone in its central, it splits in two Lives in asunder. When in deed a doubt can never quite come in between the two, i was never the same; feeling uncertain and unsure of which ones to accomplish.
Can one just take a rose of thorns and listen to their singing voices.

Untamed and running while into the wide spectrum she strut her stuff, isn't she something, quite unlike any other you have seen before, nor do you ever wish to see some of them the same again, for the same thing just never quite happen when you want it most. And in its bosom, lives lives that are worth living and life's worth sacrificing for the better of the lesser, and while the greater does less than just devour and grow in strength, in its need to be the improvement that is in need it decreases the flow of life elsewhere in the whole drainage.

Lasko's Definitive

Dearest me be the one who worries when I have enlightenment just inches from grasp. When I Look out into the world, the only thing I wish is for someone else to look back at me and tell me it’ll be alright. I wished for comfort, I desire closure. I am human. I am man. I look into the world, or more accurately my computer screen and I see the news that are present everyday, arriving from different news sources, and with each new article I am able to read, I start to lose my hope for humanity. I read about children that are faced with hunger, death, and the ideals of hopelessness everyday. With each word I read, my heart gains weight, and it slowly fattens up, about to fall from its own weight and cease to be.

I set my sights far beyond the reaches of the telescope, and my hopes flies higher than the birds. You already know how this will end, yet you garnish my sensations at a moment's touch. You, so near yet so far an unfair representation, my mistaken imagination running wilder than wild things that infringe upon those most unholy. You are as warm as a sunny day’s breeze, as gentle as the fig trees swaying in the wind and so much more. I told you one day, the sun will not bring it’s light out, and the moon will not let its light shine, when in a moments notice time bends upon heavy hearts and people decides their decision are not as profound as their own thoughts. I walked among men, and in his presence I found contempt, in his presence I found peace, death, life, but most importantly, in his presence I found you. Women of my heart, lady of mine; the winds that changed my inner peace, one who brought the life back to this deceases heart, now comforting and heartwarming. We knew how this would end, but we loved it nonetheless, because while it did not last, it was the best.

There standing beside rocks and stones, we expected to be living in painted colors. Tis ve sa ve that brings said tears beneath even Buddha’s bodhi tree. We stared into space, and in all the right places, we smiled and shined brighter than the light an eclipse tries to hide. I remember summer days when we had our wayward says and conversation, you laughed at my meager jokes and I eagerly joked for you. For without days going by have I ever forgotten not so the whole of our conversation, but the lot of them. Find my soul within the darkened pits and find my faith lost with the wanderings. From grass lain with green coloring in pleasant shiny shades, I watched a movie through all the phone with you lain next to me. Such pleasantries, I shall never forget those sad memories of me and those thoughts of you. Be my fairy merrily maiden that you are, and never bedridden me when we need us most. For the last of us, we shall find locked in intertwining dreams woven from the reality that we called us. This love hate thing that we have, this two sided relationship that never was, already is.

You look into your parent’s eyes and you see loveless individuals living in animosity amongst one another, and in their lives you began to worry about your own. You contemplated what love stories you’d have, whether or not someone will come along your long road to whisk you off your feet. You imagined their likeness, their smile, the dim lights flickering from the corners of their eyes. You imagined the comfort, your head resting upon their chest, so that you’d feel their warm breath breathing upon your scalp when they come in to kiss your head. With your shoulders squeezed gently between their chest and their arms wrapping around you, showing you how much they want to keep you safe, and to themselves. For you are a rare flower amongst the ever present wildlife that nature has given man. Middlemist Red are you my sweetest. I dare not to bear witness to the Horatius nature of the world for that is too horrible. I dare not go against life. But dearest my dearest, you there standing so pleasantly amongst the wild shrubs, dancing beneath the light sworn trees, twirling amidst the vegetation. We made plans to meet one day, and sooner than our minds can imagined the day came in full bloom. I left early, leaving everything else behind, with only the thought of you in mind. I traveled alongside the highway, and heard the moving beast roar passed me, racing into their own never endings. I moved swiftly through the wind, weaving through shredding wind-scars and deciphering draft winds, I rode along cashew parks and ambien green-ways. I diverted routes and arrived unfathomed and unfazed. When I entered our meeting place, I noticed that I had arrived prior to our scheduled meeting, to eager was I, knowing I would be face to face with my future fiance. I say this with an extreme will and earnest attitude, for I know this gal was meant for me, and damn-est to the darkest pits of a sunset shall i send ill willed doubt if it darest come between and my awaiting lady.

Frailey promised
I know my words have not been said with the most refreshing of thoughts, and sometimes I may not be the kindest of people. My heartaches have only thus began, and yet I never imagine it would have been stuck on you for so long a period, a period my young mind grasp at as a long time. Are you all done with finding yourself in a moments instant, when will you find that perfection that is missing from your life. I wonder why you can’t be satisfied by the small things. The social norm is as screwed up as those who keep living on it, I know its wrong and horrible and it's the reason why no one can truly rise from it unscathed, but does that really matter, does any of those childish things matter. The only thing we should be talking about is how to make us work, how to make sure every day we awake, it’s next to each other. How every morning, I think of you, and to think of holding you close to me, just so I feel the guilty satisfaction of knowing that I have you for eons to come.

For time is a childish thing when compared to love, time eradicates everything away from a person, their youth, their mentality, their livelihood, but something it can’t take away is love, and a true love at that, for when the sands of time tries to fall from end to end, love will tip the sands of time on its side, and there we shall sit, comfortably with one another. For I promise my love to you, and along with that love, my hopes and dreams, aspirations and inspirations.

ONce you want it to begin, you can never really see the end. You begin to switch its name, sudden changings like you mistook its name. NOthing seem the same, yet everything always pulled in together as if they were somehow connected. THe string theories of our lives, as if every song we listened to and ever sight we saw was mean for us to see and for us to hear, something in our minds and our souls makes it seem like someone out there is reaching out to us, as if they’ve been paying attention to our troubles, and our deeds and at our lowest they were supposed to come and cling to our shoulders as to keep us on our own two feet. When the world comes tumbling down, when the ground that we walk on everyday gives way beneath our soles, will we disappear into it like quicksand vanquishes life. Subsidize my dreams and put my hopes on layaway, for when happiness seems out of the question and every time it tries to surface there suddenly appears a moral dilemma.

Sometimes we feel shaken, as if we’ve mistaken our clothings in the clothing store and have been walking around something not akin to our own skin. We start to feel these tingles crawling over our skin, and so very soon we start to feel like we’re living in a home that is not the same as our own, everything is out of place, hay wired and over the counter stairs, pictures on the walls that has people without faces. Thing of furnitures in location that makes them seem normal in mistake places, a bed crammed in the restroom, the sink built on its sides. We burn and boil with our passion subdued in our stomachs, we feel the quaking butterflies trying to spread their wings, tickling our innards and feed on our nectars. Oh, can’t you see the stars twilight sparkle against the heaven backdrop, when the sun rises beneath, it creates a shroud of massive proportion that mimics the size of the universe.

Streets stirring with black tars, moving molten dispatches of darkness that envelopes all that stands in its way. Volcanic ashes spring from volcanic craters that breaches the earth's surface, and suffice to say a welcome is not needed for this uninvited guest. The grasses, they are burning, and the trees, how they suffer in this weather, weather with temperature rising so fast and so soon that at any moments it will tear the bark off trees quicker than a visage of oil paintings dripping. Soon the world with stop hithered and so forth when gas of mass destruction start to pollute the airwaves, killing of the needless stretch of lives that smells of stench wrecks. Within days, the elderly, the sick and the young began to disappear with the gusting winds that blew over the land with a tremendous minimal forces, as if a hurricane wanted to see how human beings would look like if they were drunk.

Life, a sitting imagination that began to mean with little resistance, with the animal kingdom now broken into and rewritten and restructured, man now lies dormant with his invention of fire. Death seem to be on the very end of an endless spree, when the first ones came out, they came in gas masks at first, afraid of breathing in the breath of ol’ grimm. They took their firepower and their knives and weaponry, they looked for loved ones and searched for others. Strong was their bond that it laid in a lively puddle of death waiting to be picked up and dried off. IF this world ended, many loved ones with be gone. But I wish and pray that nothing happens to you, so that I may find a way to you. Nothing seemed more important, selfish to say and sufficiently significant are these sorrowful words that any loathful tale to entice you would be deemed meaningless and uncanny.

Clear Fragrant and Fragile One day omitted from our present live, one decisions that wasn't made, and one person we never met. This thing could have never been and could have been something else, some with a sweeter taste, some other thing with a more frequent smell, bring each other closer to something else other than each other. Fate steps on misfortune, and accidentally riggs implosions of famine and depression that lives off swelled emotions. I took my steps and try to align them in contemporary portrayal. Music and bluegrass depicting images over my shoulders for my head to imagine upon, it acts as mystifying dreams to try and confuse me, for reality I deem it fake, when my dream tis more real when i’m not awake.

Let the transit system of our war torn aftermath society agree on themselves to give us space and allow us room, let them give you and I time to find each other within this whole dividend, within this whole divide. Maybe it’s not a problem, for a problem is in deserving of a solution, and a solution to our issue has not yet made itself known, not even in hints and in riddles.

There sits a river that bleeds life, stringing with a festival of life. How deeming it is when a nightmare sits unfulfilled, with a strong gust of wind and whirlwinds of undying changes. Now that the unchanged and never ending has no story to tell and no history to pass on. wish merrily upon galaxies and many a dormant stars, there exists no more demeaning that existence foes for mankind. time sat still for them then. When nothing cared everything stands untouched. Sunsets and sunrise, both are visions we wished to bequeath unto our eyes. So tell me your story and your unmoved self. Redefining me and soon like nothing else.

Close off from the smell of stinking flesh as it burns up under the errant rays from a dying star, not very far off in another corner of the universe, does an inconvenient lie berates us as alien. Every night, before we head to sleep, and every morning before we wake, some of us let the troubles of the day consume our souls and pour ill wishes and disdained thoughts into their minds, bringing with them the troubles of yesterday into their ever present future. Others shrug the malice of a day’s worth of reality off from their skins before sleep and slumber. They are the ones that know better than to fight a hopeless cause, for to go against the waves of incoming troubles, is the same as shaking a locked door expecting it to be opened.

A falling star rests on nimbus, a shroud of clear viewed nitrogen wipes clean the memory that fogs the spacious living quarters of the present. One step at a time, and be careful to look both ways on that cross way before you hastily decide to clamp down your future on postage stamps and leave them in locked drawers. I hear a song singing of me and you, and in those hasty words we found a familiar tune. My lady waited for me at a place she forgot to mention to me, and thus i have to find it myself. Dear me, let the sunshine and rainbows lead the way, parting away the stormy weathers and dark clouds.