Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Like you I wish to tell you thus today that I like you I’m not saying this out of obligation as your friend I’m not saying this as a potential suitor I am saying this just as a person to another I don’t like who you were I don’t like who you’ll become I like you for who you are at present I don’t like you for your personalities I don’t like you for your brains Even though your look is what attracted me to you, it’s not the reason why I like you I don’t like you for the body parts you have I don’t like you for your wealth status too I don’t like you for what you can do I just like you because you’re you I should have said this long ago but sadly it just came to me today I hope you’ll listen to what I’ll have to say If you have someone close to you or fine just by yourself Even if you don’t want to hear Here a stranger says to you, I like you You say I don’t know you because we’ve never met You say I don’t know you because your past was somewhere I never was So you can’t see me, a stranger, in your future But a shadow has covered your eyes Because before me there is you

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