Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Love story


 I've tried being a nice person, but being a nice person is never enough.

I tried patiently to give people chances. I am tired of chasing for relationship. I’ve given you many chances and you’ve given me none. People like to say that there is a reason for why things happen. They look pass the past and try to live in the present and hope for a better tomorrow. You like to say everything happens for a reason, but to me it seems your making a reason to destroy the chance. I have become a friend to you, and will cherish you friendship. 

Wherever I go, I will always have you in mind, and if you ever have need for me, just contact me and I will do what I can. I am no Knight in Shining armor, and you are no damsel in distress. I will be here for you always; these are words that many have spoken to you, promising you that they’ll keep their word.  I am just a stranger who you met by chance; I am not special just because you chose to define me not as a special person but just a friend. You’ve been hurt in the past, and that alone affects who you have become. You’ve let people into your heart, just to have them break it.

 And when they came back you welcomed them with open arms, and once again they wounded you. People have caused harm to you, emotionally, mentally and even physically had affects on you. It soon became hard for you to trust. Clinging on to those you grown to trust and now you keep an extra eye out for people. 

She wanted to be a designer someday in New York Designing for charity purposes. We praised each other and stated our interest in each other.

We only met face to face once. We decided to meet one day after school, and I was to go there earlier and wait for her. It was very funny when we finally met face to face, we were both so shy, ha-ha, it was so cute. I was where a white shirt with my black hat, and she was in yellow, like dandelions kinda…ha-ha.
We just walked slowly around the trails and we talked. It was a sight to see. We looked at the trees, the swing sets, the grass, we walked across the bridge, where I tried to throw her over the bridge, but I didn’t because it wasn’t polite. That was a perfect date in my book. Because a perfect date for me is; just being together walking a trail of a park hand in hand, hanging a good time enjoying each other’s company, and just enjoying and getting the most just by having them with you. I had my perfect date. 

I'm thinking of you right now, Oh how i wish i could have you in my arms right now, besides the point that its chilly because the windows open, but because i selfishly  want you all to myself, i can say this for sure. I am more than willing to give up my hopes and dreams right at this moment in exchange for you in my life forever. If your heart is still not well, let us combine mine and yours and lets share one, i truly wish for you to be my valentine.

I shall be here for you and continue being here, when i said i love you, i meant it. I still remember our phone conversations, heck i even miss how we talked through emails and text messages, i only wish you gave me more time to tell you that i really cared. I will still be here waiting for you ever though you told me to move on, but how can i possibly.  You constantly kept building your wall,  and left me on the outside, not knowing  that i was too busy picking your favorite flowers. I would have dropped everything for you, now your heart but have all forgotten me. You've hidden you're feelings for me from you and now we're both suffering, this time its all up to you, give us another chance, for if we don't end up together you be some strangers wife and i'll be nothing more than myself with work filled sunshine, yet i shall always walk alone in the shade... i shall keep my generation and take it with me for the mother of our kids decided someone was better than me, i shall proclaim that although i was born the perfect being and born to save the world, but i was born to marry you, for if i fail, i shall continue until this world ends and the next begins - then i can hopefully have you in that world.

I was just thinking... you know what would be a great place for us to have a date? I think the zoo would be the ideal place, because it's out in the open so we can go on long walks and we can grab lunch and also attend a show. its also a great place for me to express how much i like animals and my appreciation for the field of zoology. Even if we don't go there on our first date that would be fine with me, but i want it to be there just as an option. I would like it best if it were just you and me for the most parts, because I'm selfish like that, although its not that i dislike company, i just don't want the wrong company that will ruin my plans...

-I promised to you that I'll be one hundred percent honest with you and tell you nothing but the absolute truth, i don't want our relationship to be a sham but also don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, I'll make conversation but I'll need your support because I'm nothing without you by my side..

I stubbornly love you and I'll be here as long as it takes, because you helped me like you in a moment when all i was, was sadness and you made me happiest when i thought of you.

I want to write something that will make you smile when you read it. I want to be the person in your life and i want you to be the one in mine. I've looked at many relationships, I've seen how some guys treat their girls, i want to show people that i guy can be sane and loving towards his lady. I love the way you smile and how just by seeing you being oh so joyful, everything negative in my life just seems to disappear. I want to take you away from this harsh reality, and i want us to live in our own reality and live life hoe we want to, all the while still being good and wholesome people.

I didn't really know much about her, i had asked her out on a whim and she had answered on a whim also, we both took a chance at love. What a funny situation we've placed ourselves in, now she's holding onto a memory of someone else and I'm stubbornly waiting for her return to me.

I miss the day when we had our first date. I held you in my arms, and at that moment i had the most wonderful gal in my arms and i loved her dearly.

Our first date we had a nice long walk, it was sunny out and she wore a yellow sweater and i a white shirt. She was the sun and i was her sky.

Now i shall continue with life and keep an ear ready so i may hear my lady in waiting calling for me.

Lady in waiting

My long yellow lace danced the ends of my braids as your warmth
Intertwines my hands. We pranced across the bridge as puddle lights
trailed us by the moonlight with fireflies. Your sweet couple of eyes
carousing the pathway, peering ever so often to glance my way, catching
my gaze, only to shy away. A velvet peck was my goodnight kiss, your
dimples caressing my pout. You grasp my waist with sincerity as my
arms cross your shoulders. A glint in your eyes as the cool air reigns
your heart. A sentiment goodnight with tracks of prints on the lonely path.
A shadow in the rainbows backdrop, he gazes with melancholy as she turns
back with a glance. The hues play up her frilly skirt, full of vibrance and
character. A lasting Kodak he keeps of her naïve smile. The distance he
gapes into the outline of nothing but a depiction. "

R.H. Challenger

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